
About Unicorns and Worldpeace

Probably you’ve already heard about the campaign „Israel loves Iran„. Some israeli guy put a picture of him and his daughter with a message to the iranian people: „We will never bomb you. We love you.“ And this went viral. Thousands followed his example and spread the spirit. Now there is „Palestine loves Israel„ „Ukraine loves Russia„ „Jews love Muslims, Muslims love Jews„ „Croatia Loves Israel, Iran and Middle East“ (but no one else^^) „America Loves Iraq“ and „America loves Vietnam“ (we won’t […]

A Second Seder: The Night of an Interfaith Exchange.

Ruth is serving two Seders. The second has a special reason: She invites Israelis and Palestines to meet each other and celebrate together the feast of Pessah. I just listened to Voice of Israel and was happy to hear about a young bulgarian woman, who came to Israel two years ago and decided to let the dream of peaceful coexistence come true. Being jewish (in Bulgaria) and a foreigner (in Berlin) she has been part of minorities for all her life. Now that […]

You are free to go – but some people aren’t that lucky

borders of gaza
The world is consisting of frontiers, which is weird enough. Birds could just fly easily above a border and don’t care about walls and checkpoints, nor passports and permissions. But as human beings we can’t go where ever we feel like to. Luckily we usually can ask for a visa and get the access we want.   But just imagine you are stucked in your country and not allowed to leave, even if it’s important. Such is the situation with […]

Don’t join us! Why the Parents Circle doesn’t want to expand

One of the hardest things that can happen to you, is when you lose somebody you love. The pain and anger will certainly only those people understand the fullest, who suffered the same.   First, this advertisement is a little strange. We see people – young and old – looking us straight into the eye and saying seriously: „We don’t want you here.“ (.לא רוצים אתכם פה .لا نريدكم هنا) Why? What did we do wrong, that they don’t consider us […]

Hundreds of thousands of people: One Voice

peace movement official palestine
Wars and violent conflicts are chiefly distinctive marks in the battle of power for leadership. The common man, who wants to see his family healthy and happy, doesn’t have any interest in going to a war. But politicians and leaders want to gain and obtain power. Countries seek for resources and striving upwards. Sadly but true: wars can be helpful on that purpose. The warrior who finds himself in the middle of a battle later, is the puppet in the […]

Non violent ways to stand up for your rights

One of the main prejudices against Palestines is, that they only are able or only willing to use violence to prove their point. Let it be the suicide bombings or sending rockets: the media shows pictures of people gone insane. Who don’t know to help themselves otherwise than picking on violent ways. Mainly to kill as much as Jews as possible. Then we see scenes of celebrating Palestines and leaders are quoted who glorify every murder as heroic. „They don’t want peace at all“ people […]